Welcome to Gold Country

Gold Country Wrestling Officials Association was started in 1980. Gold Country is an organization dedicated entirely to the sport of wrestling. We have over 70 members with many years of experience at both the high school and college level. Gold Country is organized to best serve all the needs of a school or conference. Our Assignment Secretary will assist in scheduling matches and guaranteeing officials with the proper level of experience. Learn more about Gold Country.

We are going to have our 1st GC meeting on Monday October 28th 6:00pm social (pizza and drinks), meeting starts at 7:00. At this meeting we will meet the new refs and get them signed up for mentorship.  Go over the new rules for 2024-2025. Collect dues, if you haven’t already sent me your dues please bring to that meeting.   If you haven’t paid dues by the Monday October 28th meeting I will not be scheduling you any matches.   If you want to send your dues ahead of time send them to me at 16813 Fieldcrest Ave Farmington, MN 55024. Only 9 people have actually paid their dues.

New this year the MSHSL Rules clinic online zoom and in person meetings are being replaced with MSHSL league bringing the rules meeting to us. So now on Nov 18th Rick Rud from the League will be joining us and going over what would normally be done at the rules clinics. After the rules clinic we will take the test. This year all GC meetings will be Mandatory.   I realize that there may be exceptions but please make every effort to make the meetings.

The Nov 18th meeting will be a required meeting to attend in order to be considered for section and state tournament selection.     (this has always been an every 2 year mandate but the league would like to see this be an every year mandate).   Derrick Agate will be providing his famous BBQ at the Nov 18th meeting so you don’t want to miss that.   IF for some reason you are unable to make any of the meetings I need to be notified with a valid reason ahead of time ( I will be taking attendance at the meetings).   Too many times last year information that was shared at the meetings and in email was overlooked and thus led to some incorrect situations and confusion.   We all have to be on the same page.   Becoming a great ref also means attending the meetings.

If you are no longer planning to ref please let me know ASAP. Or if you want a smaller schedule let me know that too. Also please make sure you are registered to ref this year. Don’t wait until the last minute. We only have a small percentage of you actually registered.

GC meetings are mandatory this year and will take place at Jason Kelly’s company.

Meeting Dates

Monday Oct 28  (6:00 social, 7:00 meeting)
Monday Nov 18th (6:00 social, 6:30 MSHSL Rules Clinic, 7:45-8:00 Test)

Meeting Address

 Midwest Mechanical Solutions
8125 Lewis Road, Golden Valley, MN 55427